The complete Scorched Earth collection,Totally Scorched, is now available for download. Choose your own price, and download the paid version now.
Official t-shirts? You bet!
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Scorched EarthThe Mother of All GamesSet Your Own Price For Scorched Earth!We are now offering the complete Scorched Earth experience from a single downloadable zip file. The Totally Scorched zip file contains ready-to-run copies of every official version of Scorched Earth: 1.0, 1.1, 1.2 (English and Spanish), 1.5 and a .MTN file builder. The zip file also contains instructions and an HTML version of the Scorched Earth 1.5 manual. To download your copy, set your own price using the Donate button over on the left. If you have problems with the download, please let me know. You can also purchase Official Scorched Earth T-Shirts from CafePress. Let us know if you want to see more designs. WelcomeIf you're looking for the official home of Scorched Earth, you've arrived. Although there are a few things you can buy here, you can also just download the game, and enjoy it for free. Scorched Earth requires a PC with a VGA graphics card (or a setup that can imitate the same, like DOSBox).
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Last updated: August 3, 2012, Copyright 2009-2012 Wendell Hicken |